
The more we know about our bodies, the more we can take control of our health & what makes us thrive. In this blog, you'll find information from myself and other featured experts on helping you understand your body. I hope these blogs are a useful resource for you!

New medical research also suggests that apple cider vinegar use can help cure acid reflux, lower blood pressure, improve diabetes, and support weight loss.

Dry brushing removes cellulite. Cellulite is a non-scientific term defined as toxic deposits of subcutaneous fat material and fibrous tissue that are not able to be eliminated and which cause a dimpling effect on the overlying skin.

Developing habits is a part of life and something everyone does, but you really should be focusing on the healthy habits. These are things you do on a daily basis that are good for both your physical and mental health. Take a look at these healthy habits that are great for women.

As women age, they go through various life phases, including teen years, the childbearing years, and then menopause. During menopause, you can no longer get pregnant and will not have your menstrual period for an extended period of time. Here is more information about what it is like to go through menopause.

It is true that anyone can experience stress, but women are at a higher risk for getting this mental health condition. Stress can come from many sources, from work or school, to home life, parenting, finances, and so many other things. Here are some things to know about women and stress levels.

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I'm Eva Stottler.

After being asked daily for my recommendations on pretty much everything and hearing over and over again that living a healthy lifestyle is too expensive and overwhelming, I decided to create this website to share my favorite tips and bring valuable resources into one place. I also want you to have fun and enjoy the journey along the way.​